Execute a one-time or recurring swap using a Dutch auction mechanism.

Creates a one-time or recurring dutch auction swap. The auction will start at a price above the current market price and end at a price below the current market price, and will re-occur at a set interval until the maximum number of auctions is reached or the swap is cancelled.

typeYesMUST be set to blockIntervalDutchAuctionSwap
intervalIdYesID of this intent segment, can be randomly-generated.
ownerYesThe address of the account to swap for.
tokenInYesThe address of ERC-20 token to withdraw from owner for the swap.
tokenOutYesThe address of ERC-20 token to swap tokenIn for.
tokenInAmountYesThe amount of tokenIn to swap. Should be formatted as the amount of the smallest unit based on decimal amount of token. e.g. 10_000000 for 10 USDC (6 decimals)
firstAuctionStartBlockYesThe block number at which the first dutch auction should start.
auctionIntervalYesThe number of blocks that should elapse between the end of the last auction and the start of the next auction.
auctionDurationYesThe number of blocks that each auction should (theoretically) last for.
startPercentYesThe percent above the current market price that the dutch auction should start at. Should always be <= 100
endPercentYesThe percent below the current market price that the dutch auction should end at. Should always be a negative value AND be >= -100.
maxAuctionsNoThe maximum number of auctions that should re-occur. A value of 0 means auction will re-occur infinitely, aka until cancelled.
twapIntervalNoThe length of time in seconds at which TWAP price-reads during the dutch auction should take place.
twapFeePoolNoThe Uniswap v3 fee tier of the liquidity pool to read the price from. e.g. 500, 3000, 10000.


Intent to swap 150 MATIC for DAI (at market price) once per hour for 8 hours.

  "type": "blockIntervalDutchAuctionSwap", // MUST be `blockIntervalDutchAuctionSwap`
  "intervalId": "10022860101187117925", // random ID
  "owner": "0xcEd90a58Ba727ABa04bb8C11a3b40a1c866b36F0",
  "tokenIn": "0x0d500B1d8E8eF31E21C99d1Db9A6444d3ADf1270", // MATIC (on Polygon)
  "tokenOut": "0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063", // DAI (on Polygon)
  "tokenInAmount": "150000000000000000000", // 150 MATIC

  // hourly swap, 3 times
  // swap is expected to execute about halfway into the auction duration (based on start/end percent values)
  // 45 min auction interval + (30 min / 2) expected execution time = 60 min recurring swap
  "auctionInterval": 1200, // ~45 mins (block count on polygon network)
  "auctionDuration": 800, // ~30 mins (block count on polygon network)
  "firstAuctionStartBlock": 53584190, // polygon block number
  "maxAuctions": 8,
  // auction price starts at 1.8% above current market price
  "startPercent": 1.8,
  // auction price ends at 2.3% below current market price
  "endPercent": -2.3,

  "twapInterval": 120, // TWAP over 2 minutes
  "twapFeePool": 3000 // price-reads at the Uniswap V3 MATIC/DAI 0.3% liquidity pool